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Community Health Education and Patient Support

For non-native English speakers and immigrant populations from Africa and the Middle East, obtaining healthcare information and assistance can be difficult. For many, connecting with healthcare professionals who know your language and understand your culture seems unlikely, if not impossible.

Bairex Health informs, connects with, and assists marginalized communities with navigating information and healthcare systems.

It focuses on finding ways to overcome barriers in healthcare that non-native English speakers and immigrant populations face. Bairex Health also offers connections to expert advice and information for patients and caregivers seeking another opinion, more knowledge, or a clearer understanding of their (or their loved one’s) health condition. Creating access to relevant and current healthcare information from trusted experts, Bairex serves to inform and empower individuals with their own healthcare as well as with those they are connected.

Since 2020, Bairex Health has…
icon people carry Connected over hundreds of patients and caregivers...
icon people carry from more than 8 different countries...
icon people carry to a network of 5 healthcare professionals in the United States.
Click here for more patients & caregivers icon people carry
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Healthcare Collaboration

Accessing the most relevant information and current research in medicine is often difficult for those healthcare professionals outside North America (and other Western countries). For many, there are few to no opportunities to connect with colleagues and experts in their field of medicine outside their countries.

Bairex Health facilitates collaboration through peer-to-peer connections between healthcare professionals in countries within Africa and the Middle East to their counterparts in the United States (Western countries).

The connections not only offer alternative medical opinions and advice but also bridge access to relevant and current medical information that is often not readily accessible to professionals in these countries. Creating opportunities for professional relationships works to inform and empower individuals and, ultimately, the communities they serve.

Since 2019, Bairex Health has…
icon people carry Connected Healthcare Professionals
icon people carry from more than 8 different countries...
icon people carry to a network of 5 healthcare colleagues in the United States.
Click here for more on Bairex activities with healthcare professionals icon people carry
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